Child Abuse and Neglect

The Saskatchewan Child Abuse Protocol demonstrates a commitment by the Government of Saskatchewan to ensure that all efforts to protect children from abuse and neglect are integrated, effective and sensitive to the needs of children.

To achieve this goal, all police, professionals and organizations are being asked to collaborate with the Government of Saskatchewan in an effort to prevent, detect, report, investigate and prosecute cases of child abuse and support children who have been abused.

Although there will be many people in our sport community who are familiar with, or who already using, programs that build awareness and resources to help keep kids safe, such as Respect in Sport (mandatory to coach Nipawin Youth Soccer), we ask that you pass along this information to reinforce the protocol to ensure that instructors, coaches and leaders in our communities are aware of their “duty to report” suspicions of child abuse.

The Child and Family Services Act (Section 12, Subsection 1 and 4) states that every person who has reasonable suspicion to believe that a child may be in need of protection shall report the information to a child protection worker, Ministry of Social Services, First Nations Child and Family Services Agency or Police officer.

Child Abuse and Neglect

Child protection services are available from the Ministry of Social Services for children who are believed to be in need of protection. It is the goal of the Ministry of Social Services to keep children in their family home whenever possible and, if a child must be removed for their protection, to reunite families as soon as possible.

For children and families living on-reserve, child protection services are provided by First Nations Child and Family Services Agencies.

What is child abuse and neglect?

Abuse and neglect refers to circumstances that may be harmful to a child's physical, emotional or psychological health.

  • Physical abuse - any action, including discipline, causing injury to the child's body.

  • Sexual abuse - any action involving a child in sexual exploitation or sexual activity including touching, exposure, using a child in the making of/or viewing pornography.

  • Emotional maltreatment - expecting a child to be able to do things he or she cannot do, embarrassing or insulting a child, making hurtful comments about a child's appearance, intelligence, size, ability, etc.

  • Neglect - failing to provide a child with enough food, proper clothing, shelter, health care, or supervision.

  • Domestic violence - exposing a child to a pattern of abusive behaviour or threats of abusive behaviour by one caregiver against another (hitting, kicking, restraining, slapping, throwing objects, intimidation, stalking, etc.).


How can I stop child abuse and neglect?

As a parent, if you feel unable to safely parent your child, immediately contact your nearest Ministry of Social Services office.

As a member of the community, if you believe a child may be neglected or abused, you have a legal

responsibility to immediately report your concerns.

  • Time is of the essence in ensuring the safety and well-being of children. Immediately report all incidents of suspected, observed or disclosed abuse.

  • Do not wait until you have all information before reporting the abuse.

  • You have an ongoing duty to report child abuse, even if you believe a report has already been made.

  • If you believe the child or other children must be protected from further abuse, please contact the police.

  • Do not contact the alleged perpetrator.

Reporting concerns of child abuse or neglect is everyone's responsibility. We have developed a short and informative online course (also available in French) that will take you through your duty to report and help stop child abuse and neglect in your community.


Reporting abuse, neglect, interpersonal violence

Report all incidents of suspected, observed, or disclosed abuse to your nearest Ministry of Social Services office, First Nations Child and Family Services Agency or local police/RCMP.

For all after hours incidents or concerns, immediately contact your nearest After Hours Crisis Centre:

  • Prince Albert - 306-764-1011

  • Saskatoon - 306-933-6200

  • Regina - 306-569-2724

  • Local Police/RCMP in other communities

  • a local First Nations Child and Family Service Agency


***A person reporting suspected neglect or abuse is not required to provide their name.***




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