Once your Profile is up to date ALL COACHES MUST REGISTER ON RAMP to coach
Log onto RAMP, on the dashboard click COACH/STAFF Registration. Follow the instructions; Choose either Head Coach or if you are assistant choose volunteer.
(you only need to register once on RAMP if you are coaching more than one group)
(Click the Logo to access RAMP Registrations)
Login on RAMP by clicking the "Registration - Click Here" button or using the RAMP REGISTRATION logo on the footer on the homepage or click the RAMP Interactive image above.
On the RAMP dashboard click MY ACCOUNT MEMBERS.
Click ADD AN ACCOUNT MEMBER to add your profile or click MY ACCOUNT MEMBERS if you already have a profile. If your profile already exists, use the EDIT button to change your information. You can always edit an existing profile at anytime.
Enter your Respect in Sport Coach Certificate # in the appropriate box. This will be the number under your name on your certificate. (instructions below).
Enter your NCCP#, which you will be issued when you create a profile on coach.ca (instructions below). If you DO NOT currently have an NCCP number, record 0 in this box and follow the instructions to obtain an NCCP number and remember to update you RAMP profile with your NCCP number once you are issued one.
Enter VSS & CRC file. This is your Vulnerable Sector Screen & criminal record check (there is only one form you are issued by the RCMP that applies to both the VSS and CRC), issued by the Nipawin RCMP detachment. You will have to scan or snap a picture of the form and upload by clicking the "CHOOSE FILE" button to add it to your profile. Enter the date using the exact date issued on the form by the RCMP, towards the bottom of the form, date stamped. When entering this date into the appropriate box, below the VSS FILE header. The format DD/MM/YYYY in numerical order. You must include the "/" when entering the date or the system won't recognize the data entered. (i.e. 05/12/2022).
To obtain an NCCP Number; click the Coach.ca logo at the bottom of the homepage or the image below.
(Click the above image to Access the Locker)
Click on "the Locker" in the top right hand corner. You will have to create a profile. This will issue an NCCP Number, please DO NOT forget to update your RAMP profile!
1. Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screen; the coach will have to print off the RCMP Letter, RCMP VSV and the RCMP Consent Release forms from the Coach's Toolkit. Fill out the forms and take them to the local RCMP barracks. Make sure you tick the Record Check results will be picked up in person by the applicant. They do have forms to pick up at the barracks, however, you will need to print off the RCMP Letter. You will also need your driver's license and health card when you drop off your completed forms. It might take 4 to 5 business days so please do not leave this to the last minute.
2. Canada Soccer Grassroots Coach Education - Coaching Soccer in Canada Module;
(In additional notes please provide that you require an access key to complete the Coaching Soccer in Canada Module.)
(Click the image to Access Smarteru)
On the Smarteru login screen, click the link - "If you have an access key, register for an account". Fill out the form, you'll have to have your NCCP number ready. You will have to create a profile. Complete the Coaching Soccer in Canada Module.
3. Respect in sport Activity Leader Program; click the Respect in Group logo at the bottom of the homepage or click the image below.
(Click the image above to access Respect in Sport)
You will have to create a profile or login if you already have a profile.